Universal Pre-K

New Rochelle residents only

choice + compassion

Play with a Purpose

The JCCMW is honored to serve as a community provider for the City School District of New Rochelle’s Universal Pre-K program. This free program is ordinarily reserved for those who enter and are selected in a district-wide lottery. Spots remain available for the 2023-24 school year.

Options for Universal Pre-K classes

New Rochelle Residents Only

Option 1


  • Monday–Friday
  • 8:45–11:15 AM
  • or
  • 12:15–2:45 PM
  • Families who live in New Rochelle with children turning four by December 30

Option 2

$ 675 per month

  • Monday–Friday
  • 8:45 AM–2:45 PM
    (extended day)

universal pre-k

About JCCMW Early Childhood Education


Graduates of our programs go to kindergarten superbly prepared. We focus on reading, writing, and math, using teaching methods that cater to your child’s unique learning style. We supplement structured learning with enriching extracurricular activities like music, gymnastics, and swimming.




Our early childhood programs focus on the importance of play and exploration for child development. Children are naturally curious and have an innate desire to explore the world around them. Each day we give your child the opportunity to explore our specially designed learning centers, our outdoor playgrounds, and indoor gross motor spaces.

Our teachers offer structured learning activities, which focus on specific learning objectives and allow for academic progress monitoring. We also offer music, gymnastics, and swimming as part of our curriculum.

We believe in creating an atmosphere of acceptance and diversity. The importance of teaching our students to be kind, responsible members of society is paramount to what we do as educators.

Yes. Our Universal Pre-K classrooms are integrated and co-taught by a New York State–certified special education teacher and a New York State–certified early childhood teacher. Children who qualify for special services, such as speech or occupational therapy, can receive those services from our licensed therapists during the school day.

The JCCMW utilizes a curriculum that is aligned to New York State’s learning standards for pre-kindergarten. We focus on literacy, writing, and math skills as we prepare our students for kindergarten. We teach concepts using a variety of teaching methods to best meet the learning styles and needs of all students.

Yes. All teachers have a master’s degree and hold teaching certifications from the New York State Education Department. Our therapists and our school nurse hold licenses from New York State in their respective professions.

17:2:1 (17 students, two teachers, one teaching assistant)

Spots will be filled on a first come, first served basis.

Children must live in New Rochelle.

Children must turn four by December 30, 2022.

We’re ready to answer all your questions. Call Heather Hogan, director, at (914) 725-7300 x821 or email at [email protected]

JCCMW Disclaimer


We reserve the right to change or cancel classes, instructors, schedules, policies, and/or prices at any time.