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Upcoming Literary Events


Attention book lovers! JCCMW is your go-to destination for literary events. Come connect with fellow readers, enjoy engaging discussions with authors, and be inspired by the power of storytelling!

April Book Group: Metropolis
Friday, April 26, 1:00 PM–2:30 PM
Admission: $10; free for Senior Members
Join author B. A. Shapiro to discuss her latest suspense novel, Metropolis, which fol­lows a cast of unfor­get­table char­ac­ters whose lives inter­sect when a har­row­ing acci­dent occurs at a warehouse in Cambridge, Massachusetts.

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The Best Minds: A Conversation with Jonathan Rosen
Tuesday, May 14, 7:00–8:00 PM
Admission: $36
Join acclaimed author Jonathan Rosen for a discussion of his recent paperback issue of The Best Minds: A Story of Friendship, Madness, and the Tragedy of Good Intentions, a haunting investigation of the forces that led his closest childhood friend from the heights of brilliant promise to the forensic psychiatric hospital where he has lived since killing the woman he loved.

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May Book Group: The Night Travelers
Friday, May 31, 1:00–2:30 PM
Admission: $10; free for Senior Members
Armando Lucas Correa will join us to talk about his latest book The Night Travelers, a sweeping novel that features four generations of women who experience love, loss, war, and hope in the years between the rise of Nazism to the fall of the Berlin Wall.

June Book Group: Taking Miracles Seriously
Friday, June 21, 1:00–2:30 PM
Admission: $10; free for Senior Members
Storyteller Rab­bi Zedek joins us to share his recent book Taking Miracles Seriously, a master course on how to craft an enriched and enriching spiritual life. It draws on a range of mate­ri­als—includ­ing bib­li­cal tales, Indi­an and Japan­ese folk­lore, the works of St. Augus­tine, Ein­stein, Isaac Bashe­vis Singer, and Grou­cho Marx—to take read­ers on a tru­ly orig­i­nal search for spir­i­tu­al sus­te­nance in every­day life.

More Featured News


Visiting Artist Hadassa Goldvicht

This May at the JCCMW, Israeli artist Hadassa Goldvicht will lead a series of conversations, lectures, and photography workshops in which adults and teens of all faiths can explore themes of healing, pain, and community through art.

Register Your Teen for Regents Review Courses!

Register by May 10 for a 10 percent discount with code REGENTS2024!

All About Yom Hazikkaron and Yom Ha’atzma’ut

All you need to know about these days of commemoration.

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