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Upcoming Programs and Events

Event Series Men’s Club

Men’s Club

JCCMW 999 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale, NY, United States

Join other men for lively conversation and comradeship on Wednesday (in person) and Friday mornings (on Zoom).

Nice Jewish Runners

Lace up your running shoes and connect with fellow runners in our community! Choose a 3-mile run or a 1.5-mile walk. Everyone is invited to for coffee and schmoozing afterward!

Event Series Beginning Drawing Class

Beginning Drawing Class

JCCMW 999 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale, NY, United States

In this six-week course in our Friedland Makerspace, you'll learn the fundamentals of form and shape, exploring concepts like values, tones, shading, negative spaces, and foreshortening.

The Benefits of Dance

JCCMW 999 Wilmot Road, Scarsdale, NY, United States

Learn how dance can contribute to overall well-being and vitality at any stage of life!

All are welcome.

People of all cultures, faiths, genders, ages, and sexual orientations are welcome at JCCMW programs.

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We reserve the right to change or cancel classes, instructors, schedules, policies, and/or prices at any time.